- Bredde 208 cm
- Lengde 490 cm
- Vekt 450 kg
- Motor 50 – 60 hk
- Personer 6
- Grey deck surface
- Unsinkable Always to shore -structure
- Comfort seats with seat covers
- Dryfeel-Seat cushions
- Canopy storage
- Integrated Abloy locks
- Abloy-padlock
- Abloy lock on gasoline tank cap
- Stainless steel grab rails
- NFB steering
- Fixed fuel tank
- Gasoline filter
- Rope box in bow
- Anchor/rope boxes in aft
- LED navigation lights
- 12 V power output
- Automatic bilge pump
- Fire extinguisher
- Detached reserve fuel tank
- Securmark anti-theft marking
- Bow seat cushions
- Harbor cover
- Keel guard
- Stern canopy
- Storage cover